Antigravitationskräfte #6
Zum 6. Mal finden wieder deutsch-polnische Kunstworkshops in Polen statt. Diesmal vom
5. – 11. September
Nutzt Gelegenheit, um in einer der 3 Workshopgruppen Zirkus, Theater oder Musik neue Erfahrungen zu sammeln. Lernt neue Menschen kennen! Genießt eine Woche Auszeit vom Alltag an einem See in Polen! Es werden zusätzlich offene Workshops angeboten! Workshops, Unterbringung, Verpflegung – alles kostenlos!
(Fahrtkosten bis Stettin müssen selbst erbracht werden, ab Stettin fahren alle Teilnehmer kostenfrei mit einem Bus)
Anmeldung und weitere Informationen HIER
Die Anmeldefrist ist der 31. Juli.
Das StuThe ist deutscher Projektpartner. Organisiert wird es von der Fundacja Antygrawitacja und gefördert durch Interreg und das Deutsch-Polnische Jugendwerk.

Informationen vom Organisator:
I hope that you are enjoying the summer and looking forward to meeting up again because… the Siły Antygrawitacji workshops are back! The 6th edition will take place in beautiful Stare Kaleńsko from 5th-11th September and you are all invited!
These workshops will work in the same way as the 4th edition, with 3 main disciplines: music, theatre and circus, as well as open workshops. We want to continue working in working groups on the topic started a year ago in Szczecin – looking for new ideas, aspects of the topic, going deeper into the material which we have worked through. Not necessarily repeating what we did a year ago. However, this time the final presentation will be of a slightly different nature – we will not spend time rehearsing together, but will only want to see the results of each group’s work. As a result, this time there will be more time for open workshops and the use of free time at the lake, rest and relaxation. The meeting point will be in Szczecin, and a bus will take us to the project location on the 1st day and bring us back on the last day.
If you are between 18 and 30, you are welcome to participate whether you have attended one of our projects before or not. Participation is free and includes accommodation and 3 meals a day.
To sign up, please fill in the form on the link below by 31ST JULY 2022:
As usual, for any additional information, please reply to this email or contact us on :
Coordination of applications: Marine Conan – / whatsapp +44 7759 787848 / mobile +48 506484092
Organisational matters: Paweł Królik – / mobil / Whatsapp +48 503 322 780
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